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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Samsung galaxy victory 4G LTE specification ~ TECHNO WORLD

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Social Bookmarking Definition

Social bookmarking is a method of saving and storing online information or web pages for future reference. Rather than adding web pages to your 'Favorites' menu in your web browser, you can bookmark them using a social bookmarking site for future access.
Benefits to Bookmarking vs. Using the Favorites Menu in Your Web Browser
Bookmarking allows you to access your saved web pages from any computer that has access to the Internet since it doesn't rely on information stored on your computer's hard drive as your Favorites menu does.
How is Social Bookmarking Social?
Social bookmarking occurs when users share their bookmarked web pages via social bookmarking communities. When you share your blog posts through social bookmarking, you can increase traffic to your blog. Alternatively, when you view other users' bookmarks, you can find new blogs to read, new post ideas, new conversations to start, new communities to join for further networking and more.
Things to Avoid in Social Bookmarking
Be careful of only bookmarking your own posts on social bookmarking sites. This behavior is frowned upon on most social bookmarking sites and could have a negative affect on your bookmarks. For example, they may not be displayed in keyword searches, or worse yet, they may not be displayed for other users to view at all.